Автор программы: Gregg Wonderly, W5GGW
Основные сведения
This application provides Amateur Radio Operators with access to APRS data available through internet connections. It provides map based data display as well as access to other APRS data. It includes the ability to access other internet systems that provide access to historical and graphical data displays. There is more information on setting up the three pieces of information needed to connect to the APRS-IS feed at http://www.wonderly.org/aprsnow/APRSNow/Hows_and_Whys/Entries/2010/4/15_Getting_Started.html.
История версий
- v.1.2 (0.8 MB) - 15 июня 2010
- http://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/aprsnow/id366006368?mt=8 - Купить программу :: 2.99$