Software APRS
Клиентские приложения
Настольные платформы
Apple Mac OS X
- MacAPRS Two versions, one for <=OS9, one for OS X
- Packetograph
- PocketPacket
Linux, Unix
- AGWTracker
- APRSAndGoogleEarth
- APRSISCE - APRS IS CE Client for Windows Mobile and Win32
- APRSParser
- APRS+SA - Discontinued?
- APRSPoint
- BalloonTrack
- GPSTeam Pro New for 2008
- MultiPSK Runs HF and VHF APRS "stand-alone" (does not require AGW Packet Engine)
- PinPoint APRS
- RadioMobile
- UIMessenger
- UI-View - Registration status changed to Donationware
- USAPhotoMaps
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Мобильные платформыApple iOS
AndroidBlackBerry OSMaemoPalm OSWindows CE/Mobile
Серверные приложения (digipeating, igate, др.)
- Aprsd Internet Server
- Aprsg - software for Unix-like operating systems and Microsoft Windows
- aprsdigi Digipeater
- DigiNED Digipeater for DOS and Linux
- aprx A lightweight igate and digipeater for Linux and Unix
- Gpsd A daemon for serving up GPS data, allows multiple apps to use one GPS
- javAPRSSrvr Internet Server written in Java
- Meteo Weather station Daemon
- One Wire Weather Weather Station Daemon
- Open2300 Weather Station Daemon
- SLUG Firmware for Linksys NSLU2 Hardware
- wx200d Weather Station Daemon
- APRS KML server for use with Google Earth for Mapping
- APRS-4R server for use with openWRT on embedded devices. Includes Digipeater, i-Gate and mapping (with google Earth) functionality.
APRS софт, совмещённый с X.25
- AGWPE AGW Packet Engine (MS-Windows soundcard TNC)
- ldsped: AGWPE replacement for Linux
- DMapper
- Linux AX.25 Kernel Support
- Linux Soundmodem (sound card TNC)
- SAR-Related methods to do APRS + Topo maps
- Soundmodem running on ASUS WL-520gU router and OpenWRT
- TH-D7-APRS - для Mac OS X и Kenwood TH-D7